Celebrating 3 years
Doing missions in Berlin, Germany
Hunter and Miranda have now been in Berlin, Germany for 3 years!
In that time, we have seen the Lord do amazing things. And while things didn’t turn out exactly how thought they would, it’s been amazing to see the Lord move in amazing ways.
In the last 3 years:
We helped teach English to refugees weekly at a Co-op cafe.
Miranda gave birth to our first child, Olaia Ruth Lynn.
We established a house of prayer and daily help facilitate prayer and worship.
We created a platform for the gospel to go forth through video, images, and words.
Hunter helped support a Landscaping business focused on hiring refugees and furthering the gospel.
We saw many people healed, saved, and restored in the streets of Berlin.
Our Heart
We believe God has created our family to be a safe place for the broken, weary, and tired. A home away from home and a space of refuge for the lost. We believe God has allowed us to take part in caring for the broken in the streets of our city and has prepared our home as a gathering point for those that need encouragement, life, and light.
We also believe that we are called to help bring people into an understanding of their Identity in Christ and empower them with the knowledge of his love. It is truly Christ alone who sets us free, but if we do no understand what he has set us free for then we will not live up to our full potential. Likewise, it is essential that we actually live from the place of our true identity and not the identity that we inherit from sin, shame, and oppression. We respond and take action based on our Identity and how we view ourselves. Therefore, if I view myself as a sinner, my action will be sin. If I view myself as a child of God, my action will actually reflect the Kingdom of God, based on who I know myself to be and what I believe I have access to.
Our Methods
We know scripture says “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Rom. 10-14-15) We see the reality of this every day. So many are walking by us with zero hope, riddled with depression, and carrying no revelation on where to turn. As people who carry the light of Jesus within us, we know it is essential for us to actually share our story with those around us and get out and talk to people about the “one who we can trust and call upon”.
We do this by regular times of evangelism, gathering to prayer and worship with other believers, and operating in our giftings that God has given us in different spheres of society. For the last few years we have had the privilege of not only doing “traditional” ministry but also be able to have Hunter work in Landscaping and Commercial Video and Miranda take part in some Photography. We do not separate what is seen as Holy and Unholy but rather see God working in every arena and we pursue his Purpose in this spheres.
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