Back to Berlin
Recently my friends from Tacoma, The Roleys, and Delany, moved to Berlin and more specifically the Templehoff district in Berlin.
The Templehoff airport, near their home, houses one of the largest refugee camps in all over Europe. Which is convenient if the goal of your ministry is to work with refugees. In the short time that they have been there, they have established connections with refugees, started a baseball outreach, and have connected to two other groups partnering together to serve and bless the refugee people in Berlin.
In may, Miranda and I have a chance to return to this amazing city and serve these beloved refugees alongside our friends. In order to do that we need to raise a little over $2000 each. If you would like to support us, you can do so by following this link. Our first deadline of $200 is the 25th of January and the following deadline of $1200 will be on February 20th.
Miranda and I get the opportunity to lead this trip together and look forward to the chance of growing in this form of ministry together as well as learning how to better serve people of different cultures, languages, and backgrounds. We believe this trip will be an amazing chance to serve but also to be transformed ourselves into more effective and powerful lovers of people. We find ourselves so thankful to be leading this trip and to be sent by our home church in Tacoma, City Central Church. If you have any questions about the trip or would like to know more, feel free to connect with us at or