Berlin Update !



Preparing for the Journey

We are officially 45 Days away from our flight to our new home in Germany! It’s been a whirlwind as we have remained working full-time ( if not more) for our respective jobs, as we are both leaders and have a responsibility in our workplaces to help them transition for our exit. Balancing our jobs, finishing our photography and video business, packing up/selling our stuff, and doing regular life on top of that has been insane! But the Lord is kind and he has been so faithful to show us HIS perspective on how he is training us for the things that He has for us. 

We also owe many of you a HUGE thank you. Without you that have supported us both in prayer and finances, we we wouldn’t have been able to purchase our plane tickets as well as see provision in other ways! We have bought our plane tickets in faith knowing we have little, but the Lord delights in our obedience and we’ve seen breakthrough in our lives because of this! We still would love to raise around 8,000 more before our move to help with the cost of moving as we will need to find housing rather quickly. Rent is around what it is here in Tacoma anywhere from 700 (one bedroom/studio) - 2000 dollars per month. The Lord has blessed us with an awesome situation for the first month that we are there, being that some of our missionary friends will be in the states shortly after we arrive, and we will be watching their house and dog while they are away for the month of July. However, in order to obtain our visas we will need to find a place of residence fairly quickly. We are excited to know that the Lord has the perfect place for us there, but would love to invite you to prayer that we would find that place smoothly and quickly!  Other moving expenses include visa application, food, furniture ( as we are bringing no furniture) transportation (public transit) and other unexpected expenses that are bound to arise! 


For Visas we have been back and forth on what sort of visas we want to apply for and after praying and also seeking wise council we have decided to try and apply for freelance visas (rather than missionary visas) believing that this would open doors and opportunities to share the love of Jesus in the creative marketplaces of design, video, and photo. Originally there had been some hesitancy on applying for freelance as there could be the chance of finding a rhythm of life and losing focus on the reason God has us in Berlin. As we have prayed and asked, we believe that by laying everything down and putting God first and foremost in the equation, that He can and will use even the “work” for His glory.  The Lord taught us that if we were willing to lay down what we thought we needed and trust him that he can and will give us the desires of our heart that He would provide. (Psalms 37:4) With that said we are still going into Germany to first and foremost share the good news of Jesus with anyone the Holy Spirit leads us to, with the longer term goal of not only being self-sustained but also able to support other missionaries.

If you would, please join us in continued confirmation in this decision and that there are no hiccups in the application process! 

Next weekend we are getting ready to have a garage sale, and start selling most of our things. As we prepare, everything is becoming more and more real! We are so excited, but it’s easy for the enemy to come with attacks of doubt and fear. Another important prayer request is  that any attacks from the enemy would be silenced, and that we would continue to find our peace in the victory of Jesus. 

The Razos


  • Financial support - $8,000 (before we move) 

  • Freelance Visa Discernment/ grace in finding work

  • Quick Housing/ Lots of life in Berlin requires secured housing

  • Peace in Transition



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